Facilitate Hello Flow

Welcome to the How to facilitate Hello Flow experience. Dive deeper into the Flow tool, together with others experience what we mean by Flow and flow state of mind by Points of You®. Join our community of top facilitators leading inspiring workshops around the world

Course Curriculum & materials

"How to Facilitate Hello Flow" full training includes:

  • Recorded Training- Divided into short lessons

  • All the knowledge you will need to facilitate the Hello Flow Workshop

  • Official Points of You® Facilitator booklet

  • Official Points of You® Facilitator PPT for online facilitation

  • Official Points of You® Participant handout for F2F facilitation

  • A short and easy certification process

Let’s Flow together

How to Facilitate Hello Flow online training and materials designed in English to support you in facilitating the workshop at the highest level. The online training course facilitated by Points of You Master, Marek Wardecki.

Certification requirements

Please note that there are certification requirements that you will need to meet in order to be certified and lead the Hello Flow Workshop. If you want to register and don’t have the full requirements - just mention it in this registration form.

  • Be a Points of You® Practitioner or higher

  • Participated in Hello Flow online training

  • Completed 21 days journey (received certification)

  • Conduct at least one L1 Hello Points workshop

  • Participated in How To Facilitate Hello Flow

  • If you would like to register and haven't met the full requirements yet - please commit to complete it by the end of the certification process

What's in it for you?

  • Flow

    Learn how to create a Flow experience

  • Get certified

    Facilitate a Points of You official workshop.

  • A New Business opportunity

    Offer a new workshop to your clients
